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The name of this blog is a Spiritual Truth, that has been hidden from the masses of people. When a person grows up not knowing this fact, a person will be totally, spiritually blind, and lost. Just like most the people on the planet right now. We grow up without no real knowledge on how we got here? On, who we are, or where are we going? And how many years, have we been on the planet? The reason we don’t know these things, is to keep us spiritually blind. When a person is Spiritually blind, not knowing anything, about the spiritual side of life, they can easily be controlled, by negative spiritual forces, that they don’t even see. As we are being spiritually controlled right now. Most people don’t know anything about the spiritual side of life. And we are not taught correctly about the spiritual side of life. If one doesn’t know their soul is immortal, they say things like, “you only live once”, and “this life is all I got”. which are Spiritual lies. We are taught to think like this, only about the physical side of life, so that we will stay spiritually blind, and lose any spiritual warfare, that may take place. We will not know how to identify, and protect ourselves from the negative spiritual influences, that are bound to attack. If one doesn’t know about the spiritual side of life, then they will not know, one MUST connect to the Positive spiritual force, your Creator or you WILL be controlled or influenced by the negative spiritual force and not even know it. Because without the spiritual side of life, we couldn’t exist. And the spirit always controls the physical.

When I was growing up, it was understood by everyone, that there are two sides of life. The spiritual side and the physical side. We know this to be True, because we all have seen that, when the spirit leaves the body, the body dies. Nobody doubts this, we speak of angels and ancestors all the time. But as I said earlier, we are purposely taught to be spiritually blind. So that we can easily be controlled. And be kept ignorant of, and away from, the True Creator. The ONLY one who can has dominion over the negative spiritual forces. I know people will say,”the churches are teaching Spirituality. ” But because the True history of Creation, has not been taught, everyone is lost, including the churches. And because they are not connected to the True Creator, they are controlled by negative spiritual forces, and don’t even see it. The churches are not teaching the people, that their Soul is immortal, because the churches have never been Truly taught True Christianity. They don’t even know the True history of Creation. Everyone around the world is starting to find out, that we have been lied to ALOT. I know I’m not the only one seeing this, and feeling that everything we’ve been taught is backwards. The fact is, that, without the spiritual side of life, we could not exist. Our existence is based on so many factors, coming together perfectly, that it could have never been, just a accident. Yes, it is a Divine plan. It has to be. Without the sun being at the PERFECT distance, from the only planet, we know of, to hold water, this planet would be a barren wasteland. And also with a atmosphere that is PERFECT for us to breathe, at a temperature that is PERFECT for us to live. This obviously could never be, just a accident. That means there HAS to be a Creator, who brought all these things together, at the right time or we could never exist. And our PERFECT body and soul combination, could only come from a higher spiritual being. When you cannot comprehend your own being, that means that a higher spiritual being created you.

Our spirit is in this physical body, but this physical body is not us. Our spirit or soul is our real self. We all have a feeling that the physical body, only stays on earth, and doesn’t live forever. But the Spirit or Soul is not limited to only earth and IS immortal. Deep down inside, we intuitively have feelings about this. We say our ancestors are watching over us, all the time. Without the spiritual side of life, we would not exist. Without the spirit, the body is dead. All physical bodies are 90% the same. It’s our spirit or soul, that makes us all different. But, there is only one thing, with the higher spiritual realms, they only come in one or two ways. Just like life, EVERYTHING is either good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. Yes, your soul is Immortal, and there is ONLY one or two places your spirit or soul, is going to rest for eternity, Heaven or Hell. That is why the Truth is being hidden, because the world is being controlled by the negative spiritual force. The negative spiritual force doesn’t want us to know that our souls are immortal. Doesn’t want us to know, that it matters what we do in this physical world, and that we will be judged on everything we do. And if we love our Creator, and follow His ways. That is what will decide, where our spirit will rest, for Eternity. Which is why we were created. EVERYONE, the same, with minor differences caused by the environment, we grew up in. There is ONLY one Creator, that created EVERYONE and. EVERYTHING. And our Creator, left a message, to explain, why He created us, how we are supposed to live, and where we go when we pass on. But this message has been hidden, by the negative spiritual force, that controls this world.

In the message, it tells us, that the Creator sent His only begotten, Jesus the Christ, and that, Our Souls are immortal, and EVERYONE will be recompensed according to their deeds. Without knowing this fact, life wouldn’t make sense, because the Creator could not have shown us so much love, in creating us, and this world, to then let evil prevail over good. And then allow evil, ungodly people to ruin his creation, without some sort of justification. But yes we do see, people losing their life,, because of evil works, war going on all around, and innocent people being murdered, and we say,”how could God allow this?” The reason our Creator allows terrible things to happen, to innocent people, is because in the message He left for us, it states that, “our souls are immortal,” and to” not to be afraid of the first death, but to be afraid of the second death, which is, being cast to Hell for eternity. “And only the Almighty has the power to do that, if we fail on Judgment Day. The day when EVERYONE will be Judged, according to their deeds on Earth. This is the message that the negative spiritual forces, have hidden from us, leaving us all Spiritually blind.

We grow up, with no knowledge of our spirituality, or where we come from. Alot of people seriously think that we come from some secret Alien race. Our true existence is based on love and goodness and righteous, and clean things. Without these things, we could not exist. If we didn’t have CLEAN air, and CLEAN water to drink, we would die. Our food and our injuries must be kept clean, in order for us to live. As I said earlier, our existence is based on Goodness, Cleanliness, and Righteousness. Therefore our Creator would never let wrong, unrighteous, dirty and evil things, prevail over Goodness and righteouness. But because we are not taught the Truth, the world is full of war, bloodshed, and injustice, because it is controlled by the negative spiritual force. Why is it controlled by the negative force, because the goal of the negative spiritual force, is to do everything it can to stop the plan of the Creator, or the positive spiritual force. In order to do that, it has to hide the Truth of the history of Creation , which is exactly what it has done. The True history of Creation, would answer all our questions, instead of us growing up Spiritually blind. With the message, the True Christ left with His disciples,(the Creed of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church), not being taught to the masses of people.

It is the beginning of the 2025 and we haven’t figured out yet, which race was here first, or created first? Because, the first created race, was made in the image of the Almighty. Well, we know the answer, it’s easy enough to find, if one wants too. We just hide the answer. We don’t teach people, that Black people were first here, thousands of years before any other race. That the Black woman is the only woman, who is able to give birth, to all four races, and all people on the planet have African D.N.A, in their bloodstream. That is the True history of Creation, that the negative spiritual force has hidden. The oldest bones ever found, were found in the Nile Valley region of Africa, and is proof of this. The melanin in Black peoples skin, is a blessing from the Almighty, to protect them against the UV rays of the sun, in Africa, at the beginning of Creation. Again, to keep us ignorant of the Truth, is the negative spiritual forces, greatest weapon. So we don’t recognize the negative or evil things going on all around us. And our sense of judgment is totally lost, and the people, don’t know who they are. That is why the world is controlled, by the negative spiritual force, and we don’t even see it. Because the Truth about where we come from, who created us, and the message about life, the Creator, wanted us to know, has been hidden by the negative spiritual force, and never taught to us correctly. And just as the saying goes, if you don’t know your True history , you can’t know who you are, or where you are going. That is what this blog is all about. Getting to the Truth of who we are, and, where we are going. Why we were created, and living for Eternity. Getting through the decades of deception, that the True Creator , said was going to be here, in the book of Revelation, when He said, “Satan deceives the whole world. ” This blog will deal with the Truth about, why this world, is the way it is. To see through the deception, that has the world, on the brink of extinction.

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